Giulio Natta:
the genius

Giulio Natta was born on February 26, 1903 in the province of Imperia, into a Ligurian family of judges and lawyers: the genius who initiated the era of disposable plastic.
During his career he signed over 4,000 patents. One of these – which won him the Nobel Prize together with chemist Karl Waldemar Ziegler, revolutionized the post-war world petrochemical industry – is Moplen, that is the kind of plastic used to make most of the tools we have at home.
His brilliant intuition changed (for the better) the lives of billions of people. From that moment on, in fact, thousands of objects of common use began to be made of that innovative, light, practical, versatile material which, thanks to its characteristics of high mechanical resistance and extreme cost-effectiveness of processing, inevitably ended up revolutionizing the entire world industry.
The legacy it left us is a chemical product that alone contributes 0.15% to the world’s gross domestic product.
If PLASTEX exists, it is partly due to Giulio Natta.
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Zona Artigianale 9
6995 Madonna del Piano